Grip Parts

Grip building materials including birch bark, cork, rubberized rings and cork plugs.

Grip Parts There are 47 products.


  • Cork Rings

    Natural, burl, and rubberized cork rings.

  • Birch Bark

    Birch bark sheets, rings, tools, and ring-cutting kits.

  • Cork Plugs

    Natural, burl, and rubberized cork end plugs.

  • Cork Blocks/Strips

    Burl and rubberized cork blocks and strips.

  • Premium Burl Cork

    These cork rings and strips have smaller pieces of cork for brighter, more consistent color throughout the material.  They are only available through Custom Fly Grips LLC, so get yours today for your next custom rod building project.

  • Wave Cork

    Wave cork rings, blocks, and strips with a natural cork feel

  • Cork Assortments

    These are kits with assorted rings.  There will be new kits added as they are requested or as we think of them.

  • Speckled Burl

    These new burls feature consistent sized cork so that the pattern is more consistent from every angle.

  • Rubberized Cork

    Rubberized cork rings and strips to add durability and extra grip to your next rod building project.  The rings can be used as butt ends and end accents on grips.  The strips can be used along with the blocks to create elliptical grips for extra grip.

  • Natural Cork

    Natural cork in many grades and sizes.

  • Burl Cork

    Standard burl cork rings, strips, and blocks

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Showing 1 - 12 of 47 items
Showing 1 - 12 of 47 items